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Articles about Sleep science

Understanding the science behind sleep and sleep disorders

Our sleep science articles answer the questions you’ve always wanted to know the answers to about how sleep works. Is sleep debt real? How bad is sleepiness when driving? Whether you want to know how to get more REM sleep, or want to delve into the four stages of sleep, our articles shed light on the mechanisms of sleep.


Why is Sleepstation so effective?

There are a number of tools you can use to improve your sleep, ranging from medicines to make you drowsy before going to bed, through to hypnosis and acupuncture. We explain why we think Sleepstation is one of the best options available.


Sleep deprivation: what are the risks and can they be reversed?

Sleep deprivation is a problem on a global scale: we’re just not getting the sleep we need. We’re going to look at what’s fueling this worldwide lack of sleep and what you can do to ensure you’re getting the sleep you need.


REM sleep — what is it and why does it matter? 

You spend roughly a quarter of your time asleep in REM sleep, but what does this mean? In this article we’ll explain exactly what REM sleep is, how it impacts your health and wellbeing and how to make sure you’re getting enough.


Is rest as good as sleep?

Is resting your eyes as good as sleep? There’s a common perception that resting and sleeping are of equal benefit. In this article we debunk that myth and argue the case for sleep over rest every time.


Drowsy driving: a dangerous journey

Drowsy driving is dangerous driving. In this article, we outline the threat of sleep deprivation to drivers providing an insight into this silent killer and expert advice for those thinking of taking a trip despite feeling tired.


Dark mornings needn’t become dark days

Are dark mornings getting you down? Do you struggle to climb out from under your duvet during the cold winter months? You’re not alone. In this article, we look at why darkness affects our sleep and mental health and how we can wake up to a better day during winter.


Why weekend lie-ins probably aren’t a good idea

Plenty of people enjoy a weekend lie-in and who can blame them? In this article, we look at the science to see if they’re really as good for us as they feel.


Sleep disorders, the silent epidemic?

How often do we hear about the epidemic of sleep disorders? Virtually never. Yet, just as with COVID-19, problems with sleep also cause illness, increase the strain on health services, affect economies and interfere with our daily lives. Just not in ways that are immediately and glaringly visible.


Is it normal to have more vivid dreams during lockdown?

In our recent survey, women reported experiencing more vivid dreams during lockdown. In this article, Dr Neil Stanley explains the science of dream sleep and offers an answer to why this might be happening.


Advice to help you improve your sleep during lockdown

We don’t want you to have to worry about sleep on top of everything else. This guide outlines some very effective techniques to improve sleep that are quite easy to implement.


How can Sleepstation help you sleep better, and what makes it so popular?

Poor sleep can cause lots of problems and when it’s not treated, those problems can last for decades. Thankfully, it’s also very treatable. Read on to find out how we do it.


Can sleep boost immunity?

Getting good quality sleep is essential for physical and mental wellbeing. In this article we discuss the facts and dispel some of the myths surrounding sleep and immunity. We’ll also provide you with some evidence-based advice in response to the current coronavirus situation.


Can melatonin help you sleep?

Although often thought of as the ‘sleep hormone’, melatonin does not put us to sleep. So what does it do? Can it really help us sleep? Is there a reason it’s not widely licensed for use in the UK?


Sleep stages: what are they and why are they important?

Did you know that your sleep changes throughout the night? In this article we explore what’s really going on in your brain and body as you pass through each of the stages of sleep and we discuss simple lifestyle changes to keep your sleep on track.


How much sleep do you really need?

We’re often told that we need to get a solid eight hours of sleep per night, but in fact your sleep need is as individual as you are. Here we discuss the factors that determine how much sleep you need in order to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.


Sleep better, live better: how sleep length affects heart health

We look at the effect of sleep on heart health, and how important it is to get the right amount of sleep to reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack.


Spend less time in bed and sleep better

Unlike a course of sleeping pills, sleep improvements from a course of sleep restriction therapy last for many months after treatment. Dr Mulla explains what makes this technique so effective.