Dr Kirstie Anderson
Sleepstation’s clinical lead and the doctor behind the therapy.

Dr Anderson helped to design the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for insomnia programme at Sleepstation and runs a large research programme within Newcastle University. She is one of the UK’s foremost sleep specialists. As one of the few consultant neurologists to specialise in sleep, she works within one of the country’s largest sleep clinics where people with every type of sleep disturbance are seen and successfully treated including those with severe insomnia. She has published papers on a range of sleep disorders and delivers lectures on every aspect of sleep.
I set up a dedicated insomnia clinic within the NHS service in Newcastle upon Tyne and found that referrals were coming, not just from throughout the North East but also from many other parts of the country. I recognised that there weren’t enough dedicated sleep specialists working with the NHS to meet the demand.
With the help of digital specialists we’ve been able to develop the sleepstation programme where the therapies that are proven to work in face to face treatment are accessible to anyone with insomnia.
Academic work
Dr Anderson’s academic work covers a range of sleep disorders and includes research projects and collaborations with:
- Newcastle University – Department of Academic Psychiatry, Campus for Ageing and Vitality, MOVE lab
- Oxford University – The Sleep and Circadian Neurosciences Institute
- The Academic Health Sciences Network
Her clinical and research interests include insomnia, hypersomnia, parasomnia and the role of sleep disturbance in mental health problems. Dr Anderson regularly lectures and sleep conferences and academic meetings.